1. Optimize Your Home Screen
The simplest and most impactful way to improve your phone's effectiveness is to focus on its foundation which is the home screen. Your home screen is the first thing you see when you unlock your device, making it the starting point for practically everything you do. Android doesn't limit you to a static grid of square icons. You can lay things out in any way that works best for you.
Personally I use widgets but you also have access to a mix of app shortcuts. At the end of the day less is more so if your home screen is filled with a bunch of applications then it ends up being more ineffective. We recommend only having apps that you open on daily basis. To maximize productivity your main home screen should contain these items and only these items
2. Let Gboard Speed Up Your Typing
It's hard to feel productive with your phone when every sentence you type takes 10 minutes plus the time it takes to autocorrect any words you may have misspelled. Smartphone typing doesn't have that frustrating, Gboard comes preinstalled as the default keyboard on some devices, but many manufacturers opt to provide their own typing alternatives instead.With Gboard you can quickly type numbers, special characters & text by holding your finger on the appropriate key. iAnother cool feature with Gboard happens when you slide it upward; that'll cause a selection of symbols to appear, and you can then simply move your finger to whichever one you want.
Gboard can also make it less awkward to type on a large-screened device: Just press and hold the comma key and then select the icon that looks like a hand holding a phone. That'll put the keyboard into a sized-down single-handed mode; you can then position it toward the left or right of the screen or float it manually to any area you like.
3. Remember To Use Reminders
Your device has impressive memory, and I'm not talking about its RAM. Google maintains an awesome cross-platform reminder system that's integrated directly into your phone which is very useful when typing or speaking into any search box or Google Assistant prompt. All you have to do is ask Google Assistant to remind you of whatever you need a reminder for with the time.
Location-based reminders are especially useful. You can instruct your phone to remind you to change your cat's litter when you get back home or remind you to call your nephew/niece.
4. Take Control Of Your Notifications
Take a few minutes to take control of your notifications. Over the next few days, carefully look at every notification that shows up on your phone and whether it's telling you something you need to know immediately. Chances are, most alerts from social media apps, news apps, shopping apps, and other non-essential sources are more distracting than useful, and turning them off will turn your phone into a better business tool.
One by one, look into each app to see if there's a way to disable or at least scale back its notifications. If you can't find such an option, let Android help: Press and hold the next notification the app sends you. That'll give you options to block some or all of the app's notifications or to allow them to come through only silently, without any accompanying sounds or vibrations. On recent Android versions, you'll also be able to tap a gear-shaped icon to go beyond those basic choices and customize the behavior for specific types of notifications the app is able to send.
5. Split your screen
Sometimes, it's easier to get things accomplished when you can see a pair of items on your screen together whether it's a chat window and a browser, a document and a web page, or any other work-assisting combination.
If your phone is running any version of Android 7 or Android 8 and using the traditional three-button navigation system, simply press and hold the Overview key while you're inside an app and then select the second app you want from the list that appears. When you're finished, press and hold the Overview key again to end the split-screen session.
On devices using Android 9 and higher, open your Overview screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.